Posts tagged survival
Slippery Jacks, Jills and cows: the yummy, delicate mushrooms in pine forests.

Learn to identify three varieties of slipperies available in Autumn in pine plantations around Australia.

These Suillus species are all edible, silky and very delicate. Fantastic in European or Asian cooking. Skills forever.

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How to harvest and eat Neptune's necklace - Sea olives for summer snacks

Neptune’s pearls or Neptune’s necklace is a common brown seaweed found in rockpools and rock platforms in many Australian states. Learn how to ID and use this yummy seaweed.

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Purslane, the summer edible weed that gives so much

Some plants are just misunderstood. We think of them as a nuisance, growing out of the cracks in our pathways and becoming the curse of our perfect patios. And yet some pesky weeds are actually edible, nutritious and a much-celebrated food in many cultures. There’s no better example than purslane - Portulaca oleracea - a common edible weed that’s about to invade your garden over the coming months.

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How to forage and cook rambling dock, the edible weed.

Rambling dock (AKA Turkey rhubarb) is a common weed on the east coast of Australia. It is also edible and yummy.

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Wild food foraging - Ep 4

Foraging for wild edibles is a great way to learn about fragility and sustainability. It gives you the chance to experience first hand the results of environmental damage. Foraging will allow you to take responsibility and make you aware of your obligations. Look after Country is everyone's job.

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Wild food foraging - Ep 3

Make sure you know what you're looking at before you eat it. If in doubt, do not eat it.
The way to check on key identification features is through visual clues, but also by using your other senses like smell and touch.
A great way to remember this is through stories, so learn the stories related to the plants, 'cause that will remind you of the features.

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How to forage for wild edibles- Ep.1

There are food and medicine plants everywhere you look. From the great knowledge of Aboriginal people to the knowledge of migrants related to weeds and non-natives, we have plenty to celebrate. Here’s a four parts video series on how to forage for wild edibles.

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How to identify and use yellow dock and its close relatives

Once upon a time, they used to say that if you get stung by nettle you should find a dock leaf and rub it on, and the rush would be gone.

Is it true? Or is it just folk lore?

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